So, I literally started the new year with a bang! On January 2, Jim and I left our treasured Indio Del Webb community in our rear view mirror. By noon, we had the keys to our new home.
In the space of four months we had decided to make the move to Mesquite, Nevada, put our house up for sale and changed our minds about houses we wanted three times!
We first decided on having a house built from scratch but ababdoned that idea in short order when we discovered the hidden costs of designing a home. We found a home but it was sold the same day we wanted to put a bid on it. Jim fell in love with a house on a corner lot, one with a spectactular view of the mountains, but alas, it was way over our budget. While checking out the prospects on You-Tube, Jim came across the exact home two doors down completely furnished. While it was still too expensive for us, we jumped on it and now we are its proud owners.
I am so thrilled to be living here. I joined a local book club and attended my first meeting Wednesday. I found a local spa where I had my hair done, and enjoyed a luxurious facial and manicure.
A local magazine wants to do a feature story on Jim and myself so that is something else to look forward to.
And, drum roll, please!!! My book "I've Got Class will be published in three days, along with its counterpart, "You've Got Class" (a workbook).
My friends are still somewhat bewildered by my decsion to move to Nevada. "But you are so happy in Indio - you partake in so many activiites. You have so many people that care about you! I do agree with them. Yes, I was happy but I knew it was time to make a transition in my life. It was become increasingly expensisve to live in California and I was looking for somewhat cooler weather.
So, here I am, halfway through my 75th chapter of my life, embarking on new adventures, meeting new friends, and looking forward to new experiences that will further enrich my life.
Have a splendid new year!